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February 2016 Archives

February 25, 2016

Lindsay Balfour at Cafe 488

Phantom Galleries presents:
“Colony” by Lindsay Balfour at Cafe 488

The installation is a mysterious, beautiful medley of textures and shapes inspired by on deep sea creatures made out of paper. Each piece interlocks together using paper engineering techniques to compose a colonies to make up an imaginary marine organism.

Lindsay Balfour is a paper engineer and designer who explores the mechanics of paper used in pop-up design, paper craft, and sculpture. She integrates electronics in her work to showcase technology as a tool and material to enhance ideas for creative expression. As an educator and artist, her work is an example of the intersection between fine art, physical computing, and fabrication techniques.

Cafe 488
488 Almaden Blvd (ground floor of PWC/Oracle building)
San Jose, CA 95113
Cafe Hours: 7:30am–2pm
Exhibition on view through March 31, 2016.

SoFA Street Design Installed in SoFA District

Congratulations to San Jose artist Scape Martinez for being selected for the SoFA Street Design at the intersection of S. 1st & E San Salvador streets.

“Symphony of Style; Color, Light, and Sound”. is a new street intersection art print design by San Jose artist Scape Martinez. The 30 foot art print was revealed during the First Friday Art Walk last month on February 5th. Martinez was awarded the commission (by a SoFA subcommittee in partnership with the San Jose Downtown Association) based on his vibrant funky design proposal that resonates with the neighborhood’s artistic and creative businesses and residents. “Looking at the architecture, the nightlife, the Creative Energy that is in the air; there is an element of newness there, so I wanted to create something that reflected this energy… this is my interpretation of these ideas.” ~Scape Martinez

The Empathic Art Exchange Performance

AUM and FRPArt.org invites you to The Empathic Art Exchange Performance on February 26th and 27th (7–9pm) at the AUM Center.

This project consists of an ongoing unspoken aesthetic conversation where the dancers of AUM will perform choreography for participating artists so that the artists create response art around whatever stories or emotions the performance stirred within them.

There will be tables set up for artists, as well as additional seating for audience viewing. NewGround Dance Co. has developed 7 new works that will be performed both evenings, and we would love to have you view our new choreography!

We also hope you artists will consider submitting a finished rendering from this event at our next NewGround Performance for viewing or possible purchase in the lobby. That show will be held the last weekend of May and the first weekend of June.

AUM Center
149 South Blvd
San Mateo, CA 94402

Art Supply Swap Meet at KALEID this Saturday

Come out to the Art Supply Swap Meet this Saturday and load up on barely used or unused surplus arts and crafts materials by other fellow artists.

Everyone from the serious artists to the hobbyist will find useful items at greatly reduced prices. It can also be a great resource for those of you that may be looking to start making art, or if you're an artist that wants to experiment with a new medium or technique withtout spending a lot of money on new supplies.

Saturday February 27th 1:00pm-5:00pm
Free and open to the public.

KALEID Gallery
88 South 4th Street
San Jose, CA 95112

About February 2016

This page contains all entries posted to Phantom Galleries in February 2016. They are listed from oldest to newest.

January 2016 is the previous archive.

March 2016 is the next archive.

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Produced by Two Fish Design

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