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March 2016 Archives

March 10, 2016

TWO BUCK Tuesday March 15th

Join us this Tuesday for another evening of live art, entertainment, quirky people and of course $2 art!

This month's featured artist Jason McHenry will working with the public on how to create original paintings like those on exhibit in his One Thousand Thousand project.

"The finished pieces that I show from the One Thousand Thousand project are always secondary to me. It's the process of creating them is what matters the most and it's what I've found to be most valuable aspect to have come from doing that work for over 20 years. The best I feel I can do with regard to the project comes when I see other people trying their hand at this little artistic parlor trick [so to speak] and they are amazed by the results of their own hand.

I can guarantee the people that participate will have fun and I'll make sure they go home with a finished piece or two too. I have the supplies and everything they need. Just show up with an open and emptied mind." -Jason McHenry

TWO BUCK Tuesday is 7pm–10pm and is free and open to all ages, so bring the family out to KALEID Gallery for a memorable creative night.

KALEID Gallery
88 S. 4th St.
San Jose, Ca 95112

Final Performances of Olivier Messiaen's Quartet for the End of Time

Anno Domini // the second coming of Art & Design presents:

A Tribute to Olivier Messiaen and "The Quartet for the End of Time."

Quartet new paintings by Barron Storey
End of Time concert by Cellista and the Juxtapositions Chamber Ensemble

On January 15, 1941 French composer Olivier Messiaen premiered his seminal work "Quartet for the End of Time" within the confines of Stalag VIII-A, a Nazi prisoner-of-war camp in Silesian Germany. The ensemble (clarinet, violin, cello, and piano) played upon broken instruments in front of an audience comprised of his fellow prisoners and prison guards in the brutal cold.

Opening on February 5th, 75 years after this premiere performance, Anno Domini Gallery presents a Messiaen-inspired exhibition of new paintings by renown artist Barron Storey entitled "Quartet" and live performances entitled "End of Time" by Cellista (Freya Seeburger) and her Juxtapositions Chamber Ensemble.

"Messiaen's 'Quartet for the End of Time' has always moved me. The composer's concepts of musical structure have influenced my own music for many years. It was, then, a delightful surprise to hear of Freya Seeburger performing the piece and an amazing example of synchronicity to be invited to accompany the performance with my artwork. The Quartet is not just an admired masterpiece to me, it is my favorite string quartet in classical repertoire, one that consistently brings me to tears. The pure beauty and the profound contrasts, hearing the songs of birds as the composer notated them in the cold forest adjacent to a Nazi concentration camp, the crashing fury of the sixth and seventh movements and the spiritual elevation of the final violin in the eighth, ascending to an eternity beyond time-this is music for the soul, written by a daring, innovative and fearless man of genius, composed and premiered by captive musicians before an audience of prisoners. Come listen!" ~ Barron Storey

This presentation at Anno Domini is a small immersive theater event building on Cellista's work in storytelling and interweaves San Jose's narrative into a piece, showing the immediacy of the Quartet to San Jose's past, present and future. Performing the Quartet is the Juxtapositions Chamber Ensemble: violinist Ishtar Hernandez, cellist Freya Seeburger (Cellista), clarinetist James Pytko and pianist Naomi Stine. Barron Storey will also be in attendance at the performances drawing insitu on his metamorphic temporary mural dedicated to Messiaen and his fellow prisoners of war.

End of Time concert dates and times:
February 20 8pm-9:30pm / Sold Out
March 12 8pm-9:30pm
March 13 2pm-3:30pm
TICKETS: http://www.artful.ly/theendoftime
(Tckets may be available at the door, but be advised that proper seating is limited. We encourage you to purchase tickets online in advance. No one turned away for lack of funds.)

Barron Storey exhibition dates: February 5-April 16, 2016
Exhibition admission free & open to the public during gallery hours Tuesday-Friday Noon-7pm, Saturday Noon-5pm.

Anno Domini // the second coming of Art & Design
366 South First Street, San Jose, CA 95113

For more more information please visit www.galleryAD.com or email: rEvolution@galleryAD.com

Vote for Your Favorite Cinequest "Unite" Painting

Miguel Machuca

Jenifer J. Renzel

UPDATE: Congratulations to Miguel Machuca on winning the audience vote!

And that's a wrap!

We here at Phantom Galleries are very proud of Jenifer J. Renzel and Miguel Machuca for their excellent finished works of art completed over the last 8 days of Cinequest Film Festival. NOW is the time to cast your final votes for your favorite. Both artists will be present at the Cinequest Awards Ceremony on Saturday where the winner will be announced. (A tie would be more than fine by us!!)

Vote for your favorite: p2.gg/af5

The polling site will close Friday night March 11th.

Cinequest Awards Ceremony Event Info here.

About March 2016

This page contains all entries posted to Phantom Galleries in March 2016. They are listed from oldest to newest.

February 2016 is the previous archive.

July 2016 is the next archive.

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Produced by Two Fish Design

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