Expressions� Gallery Owner, Gail Faris, has sent us two calls for entries for fiber artists for upcoming exhibits at their gallery space on The Alameda in San Jose.
Expressions� Gallery Owner, Gail Faris, will be jurying art submissions for the Artistic Animals Exhibit. Domestic and Wild (including endangered species) Animal Themed works USING FIBER ART TECHNIQUES in the following categories are sought: Artist Books; Soft Sculpture (including dolls); Needle Art (quilts and stitchery; woven, knitted, knotted or crocheted works including animal themed clothing, and accessories for pets and humans).
No Entry Fee. Drop off maximum of 4 works at the gallery between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Friday, July 6 through Sunday, July 9.
TERMS: Artists will be notified of acceptance by July 18. Unaccepted works must be picked up by Friday, Saturday, Sunday July 20 22 during gallery hours. Accepted works will be displayed August 1 through September 30. Pick up unsold displayed work during gallery hours October 5, 6, 7. Works are insured. 40% commission on all sales goes to the gallery. All submitted wall-displayed work must be ready to hang with museum quality picture wires or rod pockets. Sculpture and 3-D work must be sized to fit through a standard doorway and may not exceed 50 pounds. Securely label each piece with Name, Title, Medium, Size, Price. On separate paper provide Artist�s Statement and Contact information (Name, Address, Telephone, e-Mail). Additional information about each submitted work is welcome but optional and must be referenced with Artist�s Name and Title of the Work.
Reception for the artists: Friday, August 3 and Friday, September 7. 6:00 9:00 p.m. during First Friday Art Walk on the Alameda. Dogs are welcome.
Expressions Fiber Art Gallery, 1345 The Alameda (inside Commuknity, the neighborhood yarn experience), San Jose. Hours: Tuesday and Saturday 10 a.m. 6 p.m.; Wednesday and Thursday 10 a.m. 8 p.m.; Sunday Noon 5 p.m.; Closed Monday.
Please direct your questions to Gail Faris at
Deadline: October 31, 2007. Expressions Fiber Art Gallery seeks U.S. Artists 18+ creating Artist Books, Paper Sculpture, Soft Sculpture (including dolls), and Fiber Art (quilts and stitchery, woven, knitted, knotted or crocheted works including clothing and accessories) for upcoming group and solo shows in 2008.
Gallery curator is currently reviewing digital images. All submissions must include title, size, medium, and price of each piece. TERMS: NO FEE. 40% commission. On site insurance. Crating, shipping to and from the gallery are artist�s responsibility. Local artists may hand deliver and pick up accepted works during normal gallery hours. All wall displays must have museum-quality hanging wires or rod pockets. Work must be sized to fit through a standard doorway and may not exceed 75 pounds. Gallery provides artist reception, e-mail and quarterly Newsletter announcements plus promotion through monthly First Friday Art Walk. Each exhibition runs two consecutive months.
Submit .jpeg images on CD, annotated image list, resume, statement, contact information (name, postal mailing address, phone, e-mail address) and SASE to: Gail Faris, Curator, Expressions Fiber Art Gallery, 1345 The Alameda, San Jose, CA 95126
Deadline November 30, 2007 for Curatorial Proposals for group or thematic exhibitions in the 864 square foot gallery with 13 foot ceilings and natural light. Send curator�s resume, a curator�s statement detailing the premise of the exhibition (max. 1 page), its pertinence to contemporary fiber art, an annotated CD with 2 .jpeg images of each artist�s work to be included in the exhibition, and their resume(s) and artist statement(s) with SASE to:
Gail Faris, Curator, Expressions Fiber Art Gallery, 1345 The Alameda, San Jose, CA 94126.