« June Featured Exhibits at KALEID by Martha Castillo, Eric Taggart | Main | Donna Orme, Therese May exhibit »

Thursday Gig's Art & The Spoken Word

Art & Poetry with Open Mic

Pot Luck at 6:30pm, BYOB (please bring a dish if you can--but if you can't, don't worry)
7:30 PM Art Presentation & Spoken Word Reading with Open Mic following

Featured Artists:
Elizabeth Parashis: Expressionist Figurative Paintings
Perry Westerlund: Naturalist Calligraphic/Patterned Drawings

Featured Poet:
Tresha Haefner: Playful poems with an incisive and at times ironic eye-that really move!

Thursday, June 19, 6:30pm-9:30pm
42 Central Ave., Los Gatos
Call for more info: 408/410-2313


This page contains a single entry from June 2, 2008 8:51 PM.

The previous post in this blog was June Featured Exhibits at KALEID by Martha Castillo, Eric Taggart.

The next post in this blog is Donna Orme, Therese May exhibit.

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