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Art on the Square RWC Sept 19 & 20

See the work of premier Bay Area artists and artisans at Art on the Square in the heart of downtown Redwood City at beautifully renovated Courthouse Square. Presented by the Redwood City Civic Cultural Commission and the Redwood City Redevelopment Agency, the juried outdoor show complements Music on the Square, the city’s popular Friday evening summer concert series and The Redwood City Salsa Festival all day Saturday. Enjoy painting, sculpture, photography, glass, fiber, jewelry, ceramics and more by fantastic local artists. Enter the drawing for gift certificates that lucky winners can use to purchase a wonderful piece of art.

Don’t miss Art on the Square Friday evening Sept 19 from 5 - 8:30 pm with salsa rock band La Ventana, or Saturday Sept 20 from 11 am until 8 pm with the first annual Redwood City Salsa Festival.

Artists: We still have a few spots open. You can download an application from www.redwoodcityevents.org. Contact us at artonthesquare@sbcglobal.net if you have question


This page contains a single entry from September 2, 2008 10:40 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Lizabeth Eva Rossof at Milk and Honey Art Gallery.

The next post in this blog is Local Color at Art Ark Sept. 20th.

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