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Kelly Detweiller's "Marking Time" at Triton Museum


(from the Triton Museum website) Kelly Detweiler�s work is varied in content and in media. The connection to his ceramic past is echoed in subject matter such as vases and vessels throughout the work. The floral and landscape imagery often refer back to his childhood in Colorado and to his extensive travels as an adult. Aside from the obvious influences of his teachers such as Clayton Bailey, Mel Ramos, Raymond Saunders, and Kenji Nanao, the work of many European painters informs his work. Picasso and the cubists, Balthus, Bosch, Bocklin, Beckmann and many more can be seen in various pieces. The overriding sense of the work is a fun loving and optimistic approach to making art and experiencing the world around us. Detweiler is currently chair of the Department of Art at Santa Clara University.

Exhibit on view through July 12, 2009

Triton Museum of Art
1505 Warburton Ave.
Santa Clara, CA 95050
Phone: (408) 247-3754


This page contains a single entry from June 12, 2009 10:00 PM.

The previous post in this blog was 50/50 Show at Sanchez Art Center.

The next post in this blog is $2 Art Sale this Tuesday at KALEID Gallery.

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