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Fall Open Studios at Alameda Art Works

The Alameda Art Works will be hosting its Fall Open Studios. In this year’s event, the artists will be donating a portion of all sales to Sacred Heart Community Service, a social services charity that has been serving our community since 1964.

Once a municipal auditorium and roller-skating rink, The Alameda Artworks is now one of the largest collections of artist studios in the South Bay. This is a great opportunity to see a large number of artists under one roof. The artists’ work will be on view as well as for sale. The Alameda Artworks invites all art lovers to a reception celebrating the Fall Open Studios Event.

Saturday Reception: November 7, 2009, 2 to 5PM (studios open from 11am to 5pm)
Sunday Open Studios: November 8, 2009, 11am to 5pm

The Alameda Art Works is located at:
1068 The Alameda
San Jose, CA 95126-3183


This page contains a single entry from October 21, 2009 8:18 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Andy Gouveia gets some press on his San Jose mural.

The next post in this blog is Ghouls Night Out at Art Ark October 30th.

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