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Thursday Gig _ January 21, 2010

THURSDAY GIG'S Art & The Spoken Word presents

Artist Pranita Patel
Poet Mark Heinlein
Open Mic follows

Thursday, Jan 21, 2010, 6:30 - 9:30 pm

This is a Pot Luck BYOB, Soft Drinks, Water event
Donations of $1 would be appreciated
If you can't bring food or donate, come anyway : )

FEATURED ARTIST: Pranita Patel, is a teacher, artist and poet. Her work is spiritually based and is inspired by eastern thought and the divine feminine. She believes that art heals, transforms and grounds us into ourselves. She holds workshops for women that include painting, guided meditation, ritual and herstories. She currently works as an educational specialist. Pranita has a Master's degree in Women's Spirituality from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology.

FEATURED POET: Mark Heinlein�s work cuts to the emotional bone of our daily activities. From eating leftover kung pao chicken, flocking Christmas trees, grocery shopping, to contemplating the magnitude of war and the inevitable struggles with mortality, to the fine caresses of lovers, Mark�s work finds beauty and humanity in the mundane aspects of our lives. Winner of the 2009 American Academy of Poets/Virginia de Arujo Award, his work has been performed live on the radio, and he has read his poetry at the Cinequest Festival and at bars, galleries and bookstores throughout Northern California.

411 E. Campbell Ave., Campbell

Contact Elizabeth Parashis for more info at artpages@earthlink.net


This page contains a single entry from January 13, 2010 9:35 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Gutter Glamour at KALEID through January.

The next post in this blog is Words Painting Music at WORKS this Friday, Jan. 15th.

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