a wild one-night collaboration of live painting, open mic poetry, and jam with drums and other instruments—all happening in a simultaneous soup of creativity!
artists participating so far...Chris Arcus, Brande Barret, Lacey Bryant, Michael Buscemi, Roberto Duran, Claude Ferguson, Michael Foley, Bea Garth, John Kurtyka, Elizabeth Parashis, David Larimore, Francesca Lovecchio, Joe Miller, Al Preciado, Rueben Rutlledge, Michelle Waters, and more (including you)!
saturday, february 20, 2010, 6 to 10pm
drums, canvasses, and a drawing table will be provided.
refreshments will be available.
all donations and proceeds benefit works/san josé, your community art and performance center.
works/san josé
451 south first street