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Thursday Gig, Aug. 21st featuring Ted Sahl

Free Speech Movement by Ted Sahl

Thursday Gig Art & Spoken Word Event
Saturday , August 21st, 2:00-5:00 pm
This is a Pot Luck BYOB, Soft Drinks, Water event

Featured Artist and Poet: Ted Sahl

The Martin Luther King Library Special Collections accepted the Theodore (Ted) Sahl Archives. Sahl is an independent, award-winning photojournalist and Campbell resident who has devoted many years of his life to photo documenting and supporting a number of activist causes, including the anti-nuclear movement, the United Farm Workers, and the Gay Rights movement.

This collection of 6,000 photos, negatives, essays, newsletters, newspapers, magazines, and books provide a historical perspective of the valley's involvement in important issues of the day.

This event will open the studio of Ted Sahl where many paintings, etches and sculptures, commenting on these issues are displayed.

His powerful art is as powerful as his poetry and thoughts on these subjects.

A question/answer period will follow the tour of his studio. Open Mic will follow his reading.

Location: Ted Sahl Residence
313 W . Campbell A ve., Campbell
(corner of Campbell and Milton, west of Winchester, just past the football field.)

Contact Info: Elizabeth Parashis artpages@earthlink.net


This page contains a single entry from August 12, 2010 4:32 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Expo for Indy Arts at CellSpace SF.

The next post in this blog is Art Ark seeking video submissions.

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