Artist Karen Gutfreund sent this call out for your EYES:
I'm working on a new conceptual piece and I NEED YOUR HELP!
I need your eyes!
Take a picture of your eyeball, up close as possible and email it to me. Just shoot it with your camera phone, grainy pictures and/or blurry are just fine. Just send them! Get other people to do it too.
Then in your email -- I want to you write a sentence about what is your refuge... Where do you go to escape? What gets you to a happy place? What gets you through the day?
Here's a few of mine in no particular order: The smiles on Ben & Sams (nephews) face when I pull in their driveway; the sound of ice-cubes clinking into a glass when I pour a vodka cocktail; sinking into bed loosing myself in chick-lit books; the smell of Scotts neck. Simple things, but make the fabric of my life that is so busy and complicated right now. The tiny things I hold onto.
I'm counting on all of you -- I need these for a piece I'm creating for the next WCA show titled "Hidden Cities".
And don't worry -- you will be completely anonymous, so be real, be honest! Shoot the picture and email me right now with the first thing that comes to your mind!!
Email your eyes and responses to: karengutfreund [at]