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Momentum Leap Closing Reception

"Momentum Leap" features work by twenty-eight members of the Silicon Valley Artists Collaborative (www.svartists.org). They will be showing artworks from both established and emerging artists, in a broad range of media: figurative painting, landscape painting, photography, printmaking, drawing, poetry, woodworking, sculpture, textiles, book arts, and ceramics.

The list of artists includes Johane Amirault, Tessie Barrera-Scharaga, Laura Callin Bennett, Phil Bongiorno, Della Calfee, Susan Carnahan, Sydney Dunton, Andrea Ewald, Erica Goss, Yolanda Guerra, Richard Gullion, JayCee, Faye Kala, Robert Knight, Jon Kwak, Vince Liu, Therese May, Marcos Montes, Kim Munson, Les Nielsen, Archil Pichkhadze, Sue Rankin-Pollard, Inna Razmahova, Tim Ryan, Susan Taylor Brown, Deborah Mills Thackrey, Elizabeth Unpingco, and Nancy Walters.

The closing reception features a reading by Erica Goss (www.ericagoss.com) introducing her new book of poems, "Wild Place". The book is published by Finishing Line Press, and includes a cover photo by SVAC member Howard Partridge.

Saturday March 31st, 7pm�9pm
This event is free and open to the public. All are welcome.

Art Object Gallery
592 North Fifth Street, San Jose CA 95112
(in Japantown off Jackson Street)
(408) 288-9305


This page contains a single entry from March 15, 2012 2:11 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Chance to Win Free Tickets to TOTEM!.

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