SLG Art Boutiki’s Zombie-O-Rama® 2013
Plus “Zombieland” screening on August 21
Downtown San Jose’s SoFA District
SLG Art Boutiki’s Zombie-O-Rama® 2013, the fifth annual night of the undead in downtown San Jose!
Zombie-O-Rama® events begin at about 4:30 p.m.
The event includes:
·Zombie makeup pop-up shops and vendors;
·Zombie crawl throughout downtown to a dozen or so participating restaurants/clubs offering zombie specials;
·Costume contests;
·Young zombie parade (yes, this is a family event);
·Live music;
·Food trucks;
·Canned food drive benefiting Second Harvest Food Bank.
The event leads up to a 9 p.m. Starlight Cinemas outdoor movie series (produced by San Jose Downtown Association) showing of “Zombvieland.”
The movie, contests, crawl and music are all FREE.
SLG Art Boutiki’s Zombie-O-Rama® 2013 & SJDA’s Starlight Cinemas: “Zombieland”
Wednesday, Aug. 21st, 4:30-11:30 p.m.
Gore Park in the SoFA District (on South First at William St.)
RSVP here.