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Making New Art from Old Books with Shannon Amidon April 11th

In conjunction with her featured exhibition "In the End We All Return to the Earth" at KALEID Gallery, Shannon Amidon is offering a unique book arts workshop.

Making New Art from Old Books
Saturday April 11th
1:00-4:00pm (3 hour class)
Cost: $40 (includes materials)
Ages: 12 to adult

Give discarded books a new life in this altered books workshop. Projects are designed to show off your love of books and make use (or re-use) of their shape, format and content. We will be creating a variety of unique pieces including: A hanging bookmobile, book page envelopes, paper feathers, flowers and more.

In addition several other �Repurposed� book projects will be shown and discussed so you�ll go home with plenty of ideas.

For more information and to register, please visit the event page here.

KALEID Gallery
88 S 4th St
San Jose, CA


This page contains a single entry from April 9, 2015 6:18 PM.

The previous post in this blog was APE�POP ends Saturday April 11th.

The next post in this blog is 2nd Friday Art Walk Japantown April 10th.

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